How to Replace an Old iPhone Battery, and How Much will It Cost?
Electronic devices have certain age and they don’t last forever. Complete failure of device happens infrequently. In circumstances, we find that most parts are working normally but one or two of them give up functioning after every stipulated time period. If you are using iPhone of any model for a time being, you will be well aware that battery breaks/goes to end of life after couple of months. We do not replace a cell phone when just battery reaches at the end of its useful life. Switching out only dead part is convenient and economic option. If warranty time period of your iPhone is expired, you can purchase a new battery from nearby shop or from authentic Apple store itself. There are plenty of sources available online as well. However, purchasing a second hand battery off the internet is not advisable. Can I get my battery replaced for free? Of course, Apple is offering schemes and discounts for changing old battery with new one. But wait a while, there are cer...